Water campaigners called on NSW Parliament to oppose the Coalition Government’s bid to allow massive floodplain harvesting of overland flows which will jeopardise the survival of the struggling Murray Darling Basin. Water for Rivers spokesperson Tracey Carpenter said, “Any bid to license the current excesses in the capture of floodwater in massive private dams threatens the survival of rivers. It’s […]
In November last year, the Local Land Services (Amendment) Bill 2020 was narrowly defeated when the Honourable Catherine Cusack lived up to her title and crossed the floor to put the survival of the Koala species ahead of her party loyalty. Sydney Knitting Nannas and Friends commend the Hon Ms Cusack for joining with Labor, The Greens, the Animal Justice
Yesterday, the Hastings-Macleay Knitting Nannas met with Federal MP PatConaghan in Port Macquarie to present him with their concerns about the impact of continuing fossil fuel extraction on a healthy environment. “Our children and grandchildren cannot live without clean water and productive soils for farming” is the message they would like their local representative to take to Canberra and to
Knitting Nannas worried about the world for future generationsRead More »
Rosemary Jacob, a Darwin great-grandmother, celebrated her one year anniversary of staging solo anti-fracking protests outside Northern Territory Parliament on Wednesday January 27. She received a letter of support from Labor Senator Malarndirri McCarthy, and the Northern Territory speaker of the house, Ngaree Ah Kit, had her staff bring down a cake to celebrate her 52 week protest. Rosemary’s friend
Great grandmother celebrates one year anti-fracking vigilRead More »
60 Second Docs is a series of quick documentaries about people and events around the world. Nannas from many loops are in this doco which is literally only a minute long.
Treechange Films brings you a 20 minute documentary of the Gloucester Kitting Nannas, a group of amazing women with a passion for knitting, and saving the planet!